So, another quiet Christmas at our place. I’m about to put together a lasagna that’s way too big for two people (and a Wonder Dog), but hey,  it’s silly to go to the trouble and then not have leftover lasagna for the freezer.

OMWC gave me an 8 qt multicooker for Christmas. We have a tradition of giving each other cooking-related gifts for all gift-giving occasions. Then we BOTH get the benefit of the present.

I have to say, I’ve resisted the multicooker mania, but it’s just exactly like the way I resisted a rice cooker.

ALL my Asian friends: SP you NEED a rice cooker!

SP: Eh, how hard is it to make a pot of rice on the stove?

SP gives OMWC a rice cooker when out of gift ideas one birthday.

Fast forward.

SP: OMG! How did we live without this thing??

Same deal with the multicooker. Tamales done in 45 minutes? Check! Flan in 15 minutes? Check! (#notvegan)

Along with all the more regular uses for it, I expect to use the hell out of the thing for small batch canning. Great gift, all around. Thanks, OMWC!

Anyway! Let’s see what’s happening in the world today.


Who hasn’t fantasized about doing this?

No, OMWC, we cannot do this.

How would this go over for the holiday decorations at your workplace?

I imagine they must have gotten the parents’ permission for this.

And, of course the legislator wants to legislate even more in response to this.


Time for me to open some cooking wine…you know, wine I will drink while cooking.


Merry Christmas, etc etc, Glibs!