Let’s assume that nothing in Part I worked, and we have one group of people bound and determined to rule another one.  In order to prevent a shooting war, we agree to split the population apart in such a way that prevents authority from being exerted across some new boundaries.  How do we do this?  Here are some ideas.  Again, like the previous this is mostly to inspire creative ideas or at least entertaining arguments among the Glibertariat.

Ideas 1-4:  the various sorts of “-exit” scenarios that have been floated before, which you don’t need me to reiterate here.  Free Cascadia!

Idea 5:  Matched Cal- and Texit.  California and Texas are simultaneously split off into their own countries, The Democratic People’s Red Star Commonwealth and the Second Lone Star Republic.  If we wanted to be complete dicks about this, we would draw the boundaries starting at the state line, but retaining adjacent counties that wished to remain part of the Untied States.  A set period of time, say 20-50 years would then elapse, at the end of which time either of the two new countries could apply to rejoin the union or other states in the US could apply to TNCOTB.

Idea 6:  The rise of the City-States.  When a municipality reaches a certain population, it can build a wall along its boundaries and be granted self-rule.  At that point, the residents of that city-state cease to have voting rights in state and federal elections.  The HoR seats would also be re-apportioned.  The City-State status could also be imposed by a plebiscite of the non-city state residents with some sort of overwhelming majority (2/3 at least) being required for passage.  I actually kind of like that idea, since the Great Divide here seems to be less geographic, and more urban/rural.  I also like the idea of Escape from New York and Escape from LA being things that would actually happen.  But mainly I like the idea of the population centers having to deal with the agricultural people as equals rather than simply imposing their desires on them from mere dint of numbers.

You may now begin to tell me what an idiot I am.