Good morning my Glibs and Gliberinas!  And what a glorious morning it is for everyone but Paul Manafort who had his plea deal tossed out by a judge after she determined that he lied to prosecutors.


Unpossible, I have been told repeatedly that the income tax break would cost money.  Not like it matters anyway as we are still spending ourselves into collapse.


This was not a wise business decision.


Find someone who loves you as much as progressives love trains.


Newson refuses to give back the $3.5 billion CA took from the federal government for the failed choo choo boondoggle.


Back pay for Federal contractors not included in Federal funding bill.


Smollett upset at people who don’t believe him.  I’m open to the possibility that he was attacked, maybe randomly by some homeless people and his Trump and race obsessed mind filled in some details that did not happen.



For a fellow Glib who recently lost their father.