For some reason, I sleep like crap when the seasons turn, so I apologize if I can’t see too deeply into the signs above.

In fact, I can only see Saturn lining up with the Earth and the Moon, which could mean either trouble at home, broken locks, or good garden harvests.  There’s no definite distinction as to what sort of trouble you could be expecting at home-wise, but with Saturn’s connection to lead and the Moon’s connection to water, it could mean plumbing issues (sorry Mo).

Welcome to the top of the chart, Taurus!  Everyone else watch out for tendencies towards behavior for both good (strength, stamina, patience, focus) and bad (anger, callousness, a foolish consistency, recklessness) during this month of being bombarded by bull beams.

Remember last month how Pisces was stealing all of Aries’ mojo?  Same shit different sign.  Aries gets a lesser version of what it should have had in re: love and luck, and Taurus’ is delayed.  The same bad stuff is stable — Mars in Gemini, Jupiter retrograde in Sagittarius, and Saturn in Capricorn; but there is one major shaking things up happening: the Moon is in Aquarius.  This is generally a good sign of bounty, unexpectedly large return on investments, assistance unlooked for, that sort of thing.  But the overriding meaning is change, so there is also a non-trivial chance of disaster/ruin.

This week’s draw is very male-dominant.  All of the Wands are upright, all of the Cups are reversed.  The positioning of the court Wands cards indicates Zardoz-disapproved activity, though it reads more strongly if looked at from a male-male perspective, so maybe he’ll be OK with that.  There will be an abrupt transition between this week and the next.

Taurus:  Ace of Wands – Creation, invention, enterprise

Gemini:  7 of Cups, reversed – Desire, will determination

Cancer:  2 of Wands – Riches, fortune, magnificence, “The sadness of Alexander amidst the grandeur of the world’s wealth”

Leo:  9 of Cups, reversed – Truth, loyalty, liberty, mistakes, imperfections

Virgo:  5 of Swords – Degradation, reversal, dishonor, loss, infamy

Libra:  Knight of Wands – Dark man, probably a countryman, friendly, honest, conscientious

Scorpio: The Blank Card – All possibilities are yours.

Sagittarius:  6 of Wands – victory, triumph, great news, hope

Capricorn:  The Chariot, reversed – Riot, quarrel, dispute, litigation, defeat

Aquarius:  The High Priestess, reversed – Passion, ardor, conceit, superficial knowledge

Pisces:  8 of Swords – Bad news, crisis, censure, conflict, sickness

Aries:  Death, reversed – inertia, sleep, sleepwalking, lethargy