Yikes!  MERCURY RETROGRADE is bumping up against all sorts of things this week.  First of all, it lines up between those of us living on Earth and the sun, resulting in all sorts of domestic chaos.  At the same time, it’s teaming up with Venus in Cancer, so expect changes in your love life, and be prepared for any secrets you’ve been trying to hide wrt sex to be disclosed.  Also chest colds and pectoral strains.  Mars in Leo brings power struggles, fights with your boss and even moreso if you are the boss.  don’t expect for other people to maintain their cool while all of this is happening — the moon is in Pisces, which indicates that this would be a good time to get away from people and go fishing.  Be careful while doing that however, MERCURY RETROGRADE and fishhooks can be a nasty combination.

Odd week in the cards.  Extremely eventful, but nothing much resolved.

Cancer:  King of Cups – A professional inclined to help you.

Leo:  Knight of Coins – Utility, responsibility, interest, rectitude

Virgo:  8 of Swords reversed – Opposition, accident, treachery

Libra:  Page of Swords – Overseeing, vigilance, spying, investigation

Scorpio:  4 of Coins, reversed – Suspense, delay, opposition

Sagittarius:  The Devil – Ravage, violence, force, vehemence, extraordinary efforts

Capricorn:  The Tower – Misery, distress, ruin, indigence, adversity, disgrace, deception

Aquarius:  4 of Wands reversed – Increase, felicity, beauty, embellishment

Pisces:  Death reversed – End, destruction, corruption

Aries:  The Hanged Man – Wisdom, trials, discernment, sacrifice, intuition, prophecy

Taurus:  8 of Wands – Activity, haste, hope

Gemini:  7 of Swords reversed – Good advice, instruction, slander, babbling