Our B-side is (marginally) better than your B-side!

The Nationals won on the diamond last night in the only scheduled MLB game. Your hockey winners were Tampa, Edmonton, St Louis, Montreal, Florida and Vancouver.  And across the pond, ManUre knocked Chelski out of the League Cup and Liverpool did the same to Arsenal on penalties after an incredibly entertaining 5-5 draw. Although Klopp isn’t thrilled with the potential quarterfinal scheduling.

“You, Angie, pick up that blood!”

Dutch master Jan Vermeer was born on this day.  As were poet John Keats, Girl Scouts founder Juliette Gordon Low, Chinese leader Chang Kai-shek, habitual liar Dan Rather, actor Michael Landon, comedic actor and brother Brian Doyle-Murray, funny man John Candy, football coach Nick Saban, and human hobbit hybrid Peter Jackson.

That’s a decent list. Now on to…the links!

Trigger Warning!

NYT looks for a “gotcha” moment. Gets punked by the person they were hoping would be outraged.

WaPo is not a big fan of race-mixing when it comes to religious music. They hope they can keep those musical and religious negroes in their place.

Trigger Warning II: Zuckerberg Boogaloo

Facebook and Instagram take a step closer to going full retard. Didn’t anybody tell them you never go full retard?

 This is why you don’t try to cook while you’re traveling on a freaking train. Man, that’s incredibly sad.

What an idiot. Lucky for him Ilhan Omar has an opening on her staff.

The tuition “scandal” claims another victim. Meanwhile, people like de Blasio’s son continue to get into Ivies on their “merits”. Sure thing.

And in the latest version of “gee, who couldn’t have seen this coming”, I present you with this little nugget from the middle east. Yeah, what a shock.

A great song by a band with shitty politics. But that was most of that generation, so I can get past it.

Anyway, have a great day, friends. Happy Halloween.