Another one of those weeks where the planets refuse to align.  But, that doesn’t men there’s no news:  Saturn has returned to it’s rightful direct motion!  While Capricorn isn’t out of the dark, lonely woods of space yet, at least they’re on their way out.  For the rest of us, expect the worst impulses to stop, but with a general mental malaise for the next few weeks (er, actually several months.  Fortunately, you’re going to forget that part.)  As far as positive advice goes, Saturn direct is a very auspicious time for making righteous endings, so de-clutter your garage, kick out the couch surfer that’s overstayed their welcome, donate your unloved taxidermy to the furry charity fundraiser, that sort of thing.

Libra is pre-gaming like a mofo, poaching both Venus and Mercury.  That’s really good luck for them and general good luck for the rest of us (Libra is generous like that).  I’m expecting women to do well in the competition that I’ll be shooting at (barring my disqualification) when this post goes live (I’ll probably be on the fifth or sixth stage at that time).  While the sun in Libra would be more auspicious for my performance, Mercury there will be helpful.  Not so much Venus, though that will reduce the risk that I’ll shoot anyone.  Adding to the safety enhancement is Mars in Virgo, though if I had my druthers, I’d be shooting on a day when Mars was in Sagittarius.  Jupiter being in Sagittarius instead is a good sign, particularly if I’m looking to shoot cleanly (which I am).  Mars in Virgo also adds to the “women shooting well” probability.

Virgo ends her months with strength, literally, holding on to Mars.  Gemini hosts the moon, so good for them, but since Gemini is no Libra, the rest of us should be alert for duplicity, scheming, betrayal etc.  This also amplifies the Saturnine influence, with Gemini (and obviously the moon) also signifying transition.  So DTMFA.

Virgo: 4 of Swords reversed – recovery, awakening, circumspection, caution, narrow escape.

Libra:  The Moon – Hidden enemies, deception, illusion, danger, terror, lunacy, plots, dreams.

Scorpio:  Knight of Swords – Determination, will, anger, violence, destruction

Sagittarius:  8 of Swords – Accident, calamity, bad news, violence, crisis, censure, conflict, illness

Capricorn:  9 of Swords reversed – Struggle, doubt, shame, rumors, defiance.

Aquarius:  The High Priestess – introspection, knowledge, modesty, discretion.

Pisces:  Ace of Cups – Contentment, abundance, fertility, feasting, opulence, good news, birth, kindness, love

Aries:  The Faceless Card.  No premonitions for you!

Taurus:  2 of Cups – Love, friendship, harmony, union, relations between the sexes, sincere and mutual affection

Gemini:  The Sun reversed – lesser happiness, passion, pride, misunderstanding.

Cancer:  Queen of Swords – Dark unkind woman, sadness, separation.

Leo:  Page of Coins – Messenger, concentration, apprenticeship, work